So it is almost 2 in the morning and I can't sleep.
I had caffeine today and well you can see the results.
If you hate politics you should probably not read any farther.
I am angry about the passing of the bailout bill.
And yes I did contact both my senators and my congressperson.
Lot of good that did they all voted to give away my money, my kid's money and your money to socialize the free markets.
So now I am stuck with 2 Senator presidential candidates who voted for the load of crap with a side of pork.
My districts Representative is up for reelection next month and voted for the foul thing too.
There is no way I want to vote for any of these people when I walk into the voting booth in November.
So I went and looked for some other options.
The Dem. who is running against Congressman Boehner is not anyone I can get thrilled about voting for.
He is young 29.
Very Democrat.
Pro socialism for health care and income equality. For the poor though not the rich.
Is inexperienced.
In reality there really is very little information about him and his stance on issues.
I think he has my vote.
No he is not my first choice or an ideal candidate but hey he hasn't messed up yet and perhaps he would listen to his constituents.
He has a heart for the poor and uninsured and that is a good thing too.
The Presidential thing is a bit more of a mess.
So much pressure to vote for Mccain in our battleground state or Obama will be president. This is a common belief here. Just because it is a belief does not mean it is truth. But is likely is not wrong either.
TO clarify the following comparison I am NOT comparing the candidates to these specific historical persons just how I feel the
choice sucks from MY perspective.
I feel like I am having to vote for Stalin to vote against Hitler.
Both choices suck.
One may suck worse than the other... but they both suck.
If you find my comparison offensive please carefully reread my disclaimer.
What if I refuse to play the game I don't want to play.
Suck is Suck.
Is there someone out there on the presidential ballot who doesn't serve up crap and pork?
I looked and was surprised Bob Barr the Libertarian candidate actually had some common sense solutions to the economic problems our country is facing.
And get this.... HE voted AGAINST the bailout.
So what to do?
No matter what someone who
I think sucks is going to be our President.
[this opinion is based upon the bailout vote]
[yes I know there is a bigger picture]
[hard to see though the red though]:)
Am I going to be just another sucker voting for them?
I know this Bailout was not good for America.
I know that I don't think either Obama or McCain are great choice to lead our country.
I know that the 2 party system will eventually lead to the fall of our republic if it is not changed.
I know there is no way that a third party has a chance in the near future.
Change has been the theme of these elections and I am becoming more changed personally than I ever imagined.
My choices are not clear this time.
I may have to travel a path that is new, fresh, and unpaved.
But I am thinking clearly.
I am investigating options. They ARE there.
I am refusing to play the game that there is no win.
I will make the rules this time.
I will vote the way I decide.
When I walk away from the ballots this year I intend to know that I voted for what would be best for America. Not necessarily for the short term but for the future. For my children.
Hurry and read this post it likely will self destruct in the morning after I get some sleep.