Thursday, May 24, 2007

Morgan's from head to toe

Those fat rolls can be none other than Karist. Isn't she adorable?

The toes of Devonae. This pic shows how tall she is getting.

Come on! What are you thinking... this is NOT a butt. This is a self portrait of Ellie. Well her thighs anyway. Guess it is just too hard to take a pic of your own butt, at least for a 2 year old. Please no one email me Butt pics to prove me wrong.

This is not me. My legs are not quite that hairy yet. Jesse in his relaxation pose.

Here is me and my beautiful elbow.

Now this is a butt. Danny's that is.
The end.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007


For the kids that is... Daddy has been working.
The rock wall has finished this afternoon and the slide is gonna be put up over the weekend.

Elli is happy to have a swing set.
She is hanging on for dear life in this pic but since she did not die on the first attempt at swinging she has loosened up and is having the time of her life.

Devonae is happy.
Danny is happy.
As I type this they are outside playing pirates with their new toy.
They love, love, love it.

Karist has had to make do with other toys but she found a fort in the house that is well stocked with food. Well not as stocked as it was... guess she needed more space.
Daddy is happy it is almost done.
Mommy is happy that everyone is happy. :)
Now is they all would go to bed early...

Friday, May 4, 2007

Lil Mess Maker

My poor kids hate cleaning.

They think it is their lot in life to clean all day.

They don't seem to have any problem making messes however.

Too bad some one was watching.....

"Mom I just got here and there was this mess all over..."

Caught in the act....

"OK fine Mom I made the mess. I am so talented. Now how about putting some cookies on all these plates I got out."

I am out numbered but never bored.

Feeling bored? Come on over and clean a bit.

You can start here....

Please note that the picture of the mess for you to clean was not taken by me.

I guess the kids are so proud of their ability to trash a room in 3 minutes flat that they take pictures of it.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

I love my little boy

He helps keep me grounded in an unstable world...
He teaches be that it is ok to leap occasionally....

He teaches me that a different perspective can be better...

He shows me that a smile is magical...

He reminds me that dirt washes off...
I can't help but love my adorable boy.