Sunday, April 29, 2007

Let's play beauty shop

From shaved too...


She seems to be happy about the outcome.
Mommy is still sad about no ponytails for the coming year.
The part change and bang expansion appear to cover the mess and once again she is the beautiful girl that we all love.


She cut her hair. Well practically shaved the side of her head.
It was just getting long enough to put in a ponytail.
She says that she cut the parts that were not in a ponytail because I was too busy too fix it.
Did she ask? NOOOO
I was putting the babies down for a nap.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Finders Keepers

Understanding a 2 year old is difficult.
For some reason I interpreted Uhh Unhhh and arms reaching to the freezer to mean, " I want an ice cream cone". I was wrong. The cone was flung across the kitchen and a full fleged tatrum insued.
After a few minutes of attitude readustement exersises (removal from the room) and lecture about throwing food I returned to this...
Between her mouthfuls you could hear her thinking,
" too bad about that kid being tortured in the other room"
"hey Mom, look what I found growing on the kitchen floor"

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Easter pics

So I holler at the kids to come sit on the couch so I can take their picture and only 2 show up.
Click... So cute
Hollering does not work so we captured the resistant children only to have Karist insist that she already had her picture taken and she was done.
She pleads with us to set her free. If you look over shoulder you will see signs of things to come. That look is not innocence but a evil "I will get my own way anyway" look.

The final product. The bomb was dropped. Everyone scattered and left me to clean up the poopy mess.

Easter Pic of 2007

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Look what popped up out of our carpet.
Where do kids get ideas to do things like this?
We had some issues with the Internet and the camera but both appear to be fixed. Lets just hope the kids don't decide to experiment with forks and the computer.
I will try to get some pictures of the past several weeks posted soon.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Dungeons are safer with Daddy

My house is full of World of Warcraft addicts. It is amazing to me how quickly my children have grasped this complex game. Devonae and Danny both have more characters than we do.

They approach the game very differently.

For Devonae it is constant swimming parties in fountains and collecting dresses of many colors. Her friends list is a mile long, she will follow someone until they invite her to join them, if she has not invited them to join her first. The game is a social gathering for her.

For Danny it is an adventure. How long will it take me to die standing in the campfire? What level is that bad guy? How many guys can I kill at once?

For both of them dieing is a great tragedy. (except for the intentional self cooking) That is why when Daddy said he would run the Deadmines dungeon with Danny's character Nomee he was very excited. " there are level 20 eeeellites there", " you'll have to keep me safe". So last night my son and hubby, (ok, Nomee level 17 and Kaitulof level 70) set off to kill bandits together. They had a great time. Daddy kept him safe, Nomee got lots of loot, and they had a great time playing together.

Tonight it is Devonae's turn. She is really looking forward to being friends with her Daddy and following him around. Who knows she might pick up a new dress along the way.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Icky Sicky

So everyone is sick here except Danny. Jesse is calling in today so at least we can take shifts in making sure the kids don't burn the house down.

To make things even more wonderful we have a new coating of snow all over the ground. We just got rid of it :(

I can't get my pics off the camera so old pics will have to suffice. I had to find a way to spread the ickyness.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007


The post before this one was award winning. Too bad you missed it. Too bad I never got it posted. I typed up the whole glorious post, it was great trust me and.... click.. black screen. Danny unplugged the computer. Why? I don't know. Since then I have been dreading posting because I was mourning my previous post.

I am currently fighting off little fingers pushing buttons. So you will just have to live with this short picture less post until I get a chance to be alone for a bit. OK, fine mostly alone will work.

So to put it concisely: I am alive, the kids are alive or they could not bug me, and I still remember my blog password.