Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I need a Kick...

on the butt to get me moving.

I feel so unmotivated.

Anyone want to come over?

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A Sad Song

Sorry no pic today.

I am lazy.

But I did think you would find it amusing to hear about Karist's Sad Songs.

Whenever she gets in trouble, doesn't get her way, or just gets her feelings hurt she leaves the room...

and SINGS.

The songs always have something to do with why she is sad.

Something like...
I am so sad my Daddy spanked me. Danny won't play with me. I am so sad.

She sings this n such a mournful tone.
It is funny.
Yes it is sad, but it is funny.

I feel a part of some musical.

Some momentous change, lets sing about it.

Imagine you tell someone in your life they can't have the last cookie.

Then you hear...

I am soooo sad I don't have a cookie. No cookie for me. I am so sad. I have no cookie. You won't give me a cookie.

Sung like their pet just died.

Funny I tell ya.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Dirt Devil

There is something very precious in the exhausted question from my 2 yr old" Can I take a break"? Punctuated by an exhausted sigh.

Why is she so tired?

She just vacuumed the family room for 20 minutes.

She used Danny's vacuum.

He tried to help her. She fought tooth and nail to by it by herself.

She did.

So now she is resting.

A well earned break...for me too.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Eyes Have it...

with a tongue in the minority.

I love my kids.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Today's forecast...Stay in Bed

So this afternoon we are supposed to get Thunder Snow.

Guess I will just crawl under the covers stay warm and watch is storm out the window.

Yesterday we did not do much.
We went to Garden of the Gods to do a bit of shopping.
No pictures cause what we bought is a surprise.
After that Jesse went back to the conference.
He brought home Red Robin for dinner and we sat around eating, drinking lemonade, and watching an old Sci-fi movie Krull.
The movie was his choice of course.

I really enjoyed talking to my little ones yesterday.
It was good to hear how well they were doing taking care of Marme.

I can only imagine that Saturday with all the kids gone and the house quiet Marme will declare her own stay in bed day.