Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Ten part 4

Becka gave me K.
At least it is not Q.

1. Knife
2. Kill
3. Kids...yes it is random just weird
4. Kite
5. Kroger
5. Kitten
6. I am starting to hate the letter C. Kin
7. Kinetic
8. Knowledge
9. Kindness
10. Knot

Well I must say I finished much better than I started.

The last one has led me to a random memory:

We were married by a minster named Mel Knott who shared the duties with my father.
He also did our premarriage counseling. The thing I remember most from our counseling with him is how much he loved his wife. It was very evident.

He is also the minister who showed up at the hospital for Devonae's surgery. I think he was actually there before we were.

A man of God who loved his wife, and touched our lives during significant milestones. So when I look back at it I see clearly what Christ was talking about when he said that you would know they are Christians by their love.

Mel Knott died to cancer about 2 years after Devonae's surgery.
He left behind the wife he loved.
He left behind an imprint on love on our lives and many others.
He went to live with the Christ he loved.

I am thankful he blessed our lives and want to strive harder to leave the imprint of love on those I encounter in my journey through life.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Ten part 3

Ten random things that need cleaned in my house.

1. Kids. They are covered in pen and marker tattoos.

2. My desk. Junk mail and Marker.

3. Kitchen. dishes and food crumbs all over.

4. Couch. covered in marker.

5. walls. most of them. covered in marker, ink pen, chocolate, and I am sure boogers.

6. Guest room. Games all over. Sorry Mom it will be a mess still when you get here. I need a kick in the rear.

7. Bathrooms. TP seems to be a toy and I do have a boy. Not as bad as Becka's I am sure cause she has 2 boys.

8. The laundry bed in my room. It is mountainous. I refuse to climb it because it is there. The kid have though.

9. My pantry. The floor of it is well, sticky. Hot Chocolate mix clean up attempt only made it worse. Gonna have to go a few more rounds if I ever want to retrieve my shoes.

10. Me. I need to brush my hair, brush my teeth, take a shower, put clean clothes on, etc... Oh look, I have marker on me too.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Ten part 2

Ten things I am grateful for

1. I have generally healthy kids.

2. I have a nice house.

3. My husband has a job.

4. My Mom comes to help me and give me a break.

5. I have a church that has two Sunday School classes that we really enjoy and are sad we are moving from a great one to another great one.

6. I got the house straight before the police got here last Thursday.

7. I passed my drivers test. Yes it was so bad I am still grateful several months later.

8. That God loves me the way I am, no matter where I have been, or where I am heading

9. My husband thinks I am beautiful.

10. For the things that make life more bearable, Christ, Dr. Pepper, Family, Excedrin, Motrin, bubble baths, back rubs.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I normally refuse to play tag games but when my sister tagged me with 10 random complaints I just felt like complaining.

1. My kids trash and break everything.

2. My husband thinks he is always right.

3. I am always tired.

4. I don't like paying on my husbands school debt when he blew the chance to go to school for free is he go good grades.(his parents would have paid for what scholarships did not cover) Instead he played games got D's and racked up about 28,000 in debt for 1 and a half years of education/vacation.

5. I hate that my responsible school decisions about school loans meant that I missed out on an exchange program to England and would have graduated before marriage if I had not taken time off to save up money for school.

6. I don't like driving.

7. I don't want people to see me but I don't like being invisible.

8. My tile floor in my house is cold and gets very slippery when wet.

9. My sister did not move to Ohio like she agreed too if we moved here, she is moving to Ecuador instead.

10. I don't like fixing 3 different meals for dinner for picky eaters, Husband included.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Cleaning from a new perspective

The phone rings.
Someone is on their way over.
The house is trashed.

So how do I get the house clean before the police get here.
I start at the front door and quickly straighten up all parts of rooms visible.
Push the basket of laundry around the corner out of sight.

Have Devonae help get clothes on the nudists who will run to the door as soon as anyone arrives.

I managed to do it.
The police see no signs of a neglectful housewife and mother.
There is still no sign of that person either because I have continued to clean, even got out the oxyclean and scrubbed the stains on the carpet.

So am I reformed?
Probably not.

Is my son reformed?
No. Silly policeman was so friendly.
If I had to go through the humiliation of having a false 911 call from my house at least we could of had more of the "bad boys, bad boys what you gonna do when they come for you" routine.

So my bad boy was just pushing the phone on and off he "lies" to my too friendly policeman.
Perhaps the call was legit, I did just finish removing all the girls from downstairs because he was preventing them from cleaning by throwing batteries at them.
He might have been calling to report the assault.

Anyhow like I told the 911 operator , "there is no trouble here, just a little boy in trouble now"

Why do false 911 calls and calls to poison control make you feel like such a terrible parent.

Guess I get an F for Failure.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Not so great at pictures

So this is our last family picture.
Only 3 kids missing.

I guess I am going to have to get my camera out and actually take pictures.
Then I need to put them on my computer.

I think this picture of a picture actually came from Devonae's camera.

Give me a few days and I will make a clean spot in the house and clothe my nudists and ducktape them in place and get something more current.

It the ducktape shows in the picture please do not call CPS on me.

I may even allow a picture of me to be posted.
We will have to see.

Monday, February 2, 2009

My Stimulus Package

A mandatory immediate tax audit of all members of Congress and the top positions in the Executive and Judicial branchs.

Creates lots of lawyer and Accountant positions.

We need jobs right.

The rate things are going we should be able to use the money collected from owed back taxes to fund a tax cut.

Also all offenders must be prosecuted.

Think of the Correctional facility positions that will open up with the large influx of government employees.

More jobs.

Next do the same for every employee of every company that accepts bailout money.

Bailout pays for itself.
Tax cuts fund themselves.
Jobs are created.
And we get the "Change" we were promised.