Tuesday, January 29, 2008

So Long Captain Morgan

Today was the last day Jesse worked as an officer in the US AirForce.

So this was the beginning of a post on January 29, 2008 that never got published.

Why you ask?

Perhaps my master bath became a flood zone.
This unnatural disaster was cause by two toddlers leaving the sink on and filling it with toilet paper.
The TP clogged the drain and the overflow drain so the bathroom became a wading pool.
No children were injured in the course of the cleanup but they were strongly reprimanded.

Before and After

This is the downstairs bedroom before:
Before we bought the house.
Before we got rid of the camo carpet that smelled of pets and mildew.
Before we gagged removing the cruddy carpet.

This is the room BEFORE we removed the painted over wallpaper, that was starting to come off and had mold and mildew on it.
Before we repaired the walls.
Before we put in new carpet.
Before we did anything you get the pictures.

Here is after.
New carpet.
New paint.
Add a bit of furniture and you have a much nicer pit for accommodating the family and friends who brave the elements and many miles to visit us.

We still have a bit more to finish but as you can tell it has come a long ways.
I am sure you look forward to more before and after posts and I will try not to keep you in such suspense.

On Thursday we have the before the floor refinishers and Friday will be after the floor refinishers.

I think I am gonna be glad when we get to the after.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Here she is the child who has turned our computer world upside down.
Who knew that she was a computer genius.
Too bad her computer skills make me feel stupid.

We can not keep up with her.
She is drawn to the computer by some compelling force.
It calls her, whispers sweet nothings in her ears, tells her to ignore the people hollering in the background, "NO BUTTONS".
Karist <3 computers.

So after many attempts to keep her off and hours of wasted time trying to restore the desktop to its previous appearance we pass worded ALL the computers in the house... from an 18 month old.
Problem solved.
No more worries of deleted programs, desktop icons, and having 78 windows open at once.

Yeah right. She is a hacker and not gonna let a thing like a password stop her.

She is carefully watching.
She might not even be in the room but she is watching.
Leave your seat at the computer and she is in it in 5 seconds flat.
She KNOWS that she has to be quick before the password is enabled.
So I still get my icons deleted and buttons programed to do weird things.

To top things off she is in a nudist stage so there is a good chance that when I get back to my computer not only did she hack it but my office chair is gonna be wet too.

So when the Feds come in 10/15 years I will have to say that yes I was aware that my daughter is a hacker.

She likes the phones too... "Sir, I am sooo sorry my daughter got ahold of the phone...." Sigh.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Fun in the Snow

Another post of mostly pics.

I am tired and still recovering from working on the home projects this weekend.
The kids all had a blast except Karist.

Poor baby was sick and could not go out to play.
Elli threw a 45 minute fit when she had to come in.
Mommy is still healing from the scratches made by Elli's alter ego Monster Ellie when I tried to take her coat off.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Too busy for wordy posts...

So here is a couple thousand words worth of pictures.

Matching Pjs that arrived too late for Christmas. Out of 6 pics none have all the kids all looking at the camera. What is a family picture without at least one butt in it.

Ballerina princesses. Thanks Aunt Becka for the tutus.

Devonae smiling for the camera.

Karist inspecting her brothers picture below.

Danny self portrait.

Elli full speed ahead. Faster than the speed of light is seems.

And to wrap things up Elli appears to be ready for a Victoria Secret photo shoot.