Thursday, March 22, 2007

Goodbye, So long

Finally the snow melted enough for the kids to go out and play. This is a pic of them playing with Grandma during her visit. Things are not what they appear in this picture.
Elli is not that round just looks fat in her winter gear. Karist weighs more then Elli now.
Elli is not wearing a shirt.
Danny is not wearing socks.
The snow is over a foot deep.
My over 240 pound husband can walk on top of the snow and not fall through.

It is approaching 60 degrees today and there is the constant drip drip of melting snow. We have a way to go there is still a 2 foot drift out my back door but progress is being made.

Monday, March 19, 2007


It appears some party decorations have cluttered the floor.

The debris appears to have been remove but what is this? Stains on the carpet?

More stains somebody is getting a bit critical of my cleaning habits.

Phew just a kid with a camera and their unique style of point and shoot.
Please note that the creation of this post was interrupted by a carpet cleaning emergency.
The bare footed culprit crushed a stray Christmas ornament on the floor that had to be vacuumed immediately.
The said culprit sat safely on the couch chanting "Keen uppp Keen upp", while mommy saved the day.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Birthday Boy

Today is the day we celebrate the end of a stage of life. We are celebrating to end of of 8 agonizing hours of epidural free labor. 5 years ago today my baby boy was born and put me out of my misery. Now instead of begging for an epidural I reach for a Zoloft each morning.

He had a wonderful day and I did too, especially compared to 5 years ago.

Here is how his day went...
Sleep in later than everyone else.
Get surprised by the decorations done while he was sleeping.
Have donuts (dino eggs) and sausage (dino meat) for breakfast
Follow dino tracks to find hidden T-rex egg
Smash the egg to get goodies inside
Open presents... lots of dinosaurs
Eat lunch his choice, potato soup
Slaughter everyone in Star Wars Trivial Pursuit
Play new computer game with Dad and Grandpa
Eat Pizza Hut for dinner, his choice again
Have cake for dessert
Blow out candles
Blow out candles
Blow out candles
Blow out candles
Blow out candles
Blow out candles
Blow out candles
Turn on stove vent fan to clear smoke
Blow out candles
Blow...Blow.. Blow
Eat cake

Goodnight my sweet little boy, Happy Birthday.
You were worth those 8 miserable hours but an epidural sure would have been nice.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Not missing a thing

So just what is it that a man has to give up to be a husband and father?
The whole giving up fun in exchange for responsibility just don't hold water here.
Does this man appear to be suffering?
Of course not he has 2 beautiful girls on his lap. They are listen to loud music together having a blast. OK its Hi-5 kids music but its loud and fun.
Also not that the wife is so pleased that she took a photo of it.( we are talking major brownie points)

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

I just can't win

Karist at 8 months has this attraction to outlets.

Mommy freaks when she sees her little baby trying to enlighten herself.

Mommy does the safe thing and puts outlet covers on the outlets. I did not have to do this with the previous 3 babies.

22 month old Elli helps sister have fun by removing covers so baby can enlighten herself.

Karist is thrilled and laughs in gratitude.

Mommy freaks.

Elli gets a safety lecture.

2 days later mommy sees Karist remove cover on her own. Sigh.

Mommy puts cover back on and moves baby.

20 minutes later mommy hears choking and freaks.

Mommy removes outlet cover from Karists mouth and gives up.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Photo Surprises

So I download the pics off my camera and notice that most of them I did not take. Here is a glimpse of the world through a camera lens in the perspective of a child.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

I have finally caved in

Yes this is a blog. I resisted coming out of my nice, safe invisible world and am ready to expose my life to the voyeuristic eyes of people with nothing better to do than read about other people. Or perhaps I just needed an easier way to keep in touch with my friends and family. My life seems pretty boring to me but perhaps from a different perspective it might amuse, frighten, and entertain those enquiring minds who want to know.