Thursday, March 22, 2007

Goodbye, So long

Finally the snow melted enough for the kids to go out and play. This is a pic of them playing with Grandma during her visit. Things are not what they appear in this picture.
Elli is not that round just looks fat in her winter gear. Karist weighs more then Elli now.
Elli is not wearing a shirt.
Danny is not wearing socks.
The snow is over a foot deep.
My over 240 pound husband can walk on top of the snow and not fall through.

It is approaching 60 degrees today and there is the constant drip drip of melting snow. We have a way to go there is still a 2 foot drift out my back door but progress is being made.


Carrie said...

Glad it's finally melting. I can't believe you guys still have that much snow!!

Carrie said...

Hey I moved my blog.

Can I add a link to yours on mine? :)