Friday, May 1, 2009

Investing in precious metals

After some research into the current state of the economy Jesse decided some of our savings would be safer converted to platinum.

I agreed.

I tried to sell him on a smaller investment of a similar kind...Metal cans of food.

He did not agree so readily.

I had to back up my investment proposal with research showing that the responsible household should have a 3 day emergency preparedness kit.
He agreed.

Plus the concern that in an emergency we might not have the eggs to make his brownies sold him on having the powdered eggs on hand.

So here is what my "gold" investment looks like.
A few of the cans are for my Mom and Aunt Denise.

With this "flu pandemic" in the news it looks like my investment may be paying dividends sooner than expected.

I also have some "tin" investments too....tuna, pineapple, soup, rotel, etc...

My medical supplies shopping spree during the wedding has also payed off in peace of mind.

No worries about sold out face masks, I already have them on hand along with thermometers, blood pressure cuff, pain relievers, 5 first aid kits, stethoscope, lots of cold and flu meds, boxes of tissues.

Preparedness really does pay dividends in peace of mind.

Birthday girl

Ellie is now 4 years old.
She had some elaborate cake picked out from a cake design book that she insisted I make. We were so busy over the weekend I really did not have time so I bought an Ice cream cake...with a coupon of course.

She decorated it with MMs herself. They were on sale with a coupon of course.

She was very pleased.


For those of you who need a vocabulary lesson swag is the free loot you get when you go to conventions.

Jesse picked up quite a bit at the Space Symposium on our trip to Colorodo.

Here is our photo log of it.
Yes taking pictures of it is weird.
I had no kids and Jesse was gone during the day and I had nothing better to do.
And it was such a large diverse accumulation...
So for your veiwing pleasure :)

With all the papers and registation, maps etc he had on his way out the door I told him he need a manbag...he got one for free that night.

More bags

leather organsizer

note pads and triangle shape highlighter



stress relievers

carabiners and keychain flashlights

water bottles

mouse pads



flashdrive, clock, multi tool, calculator


My favorite chocolate.

And to top everything off the spellcheck did not flag anything.
Small victories :)