Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Today's forecast...Stay in Bed

So this afternoon we are supposed to get Thunder Snow.

Guess I will just crawl under the covers stay warm and watch is storm out the window.

Yesterday we did not do much.
We went to Garden of the Gods to do a bit of shopping.
No pictures cause what we bought is a surprise.
After that Jesse went back to the conference.
He brought home Red Robin for dinner and we sat around eating, drinking lemonade, and watching an old Sci-fi movie Krull.
The movie was his choice of course.

I really enjoyed talking to my little ones yesterday.
It was good to hear how well they were doing taking care of Marme.

I can only imagine that Saturday with all the kids gone and the house quiet Marme will declare her own stay in bed day.

1 comment:

Terry and Patty said...

Marme says Amen to that.
Devonae says Why can't we find out sooner what the suprise is?

Danny says I don't want to say something right now. He says he will speak later.
Karist says mommy
Ellie says daye
All dry day