Thursday, May 24, 2007

Morgan's from head to toe

Those fat rolls can be none other than Karist. Isn't she adorable?

The toes of Devonae. This pic shows how tall she is getting.

Come on! What are you thinking... this is NOT a butt. This is a self portrait of Ellie. Well her thighs anyway. Guess it is just too hard to take a pic of your own butt, at least for a 2 year old. Please no one email me Butt pics to prove me wrong.

This is not me. My legs are not quite that hairy yet. Jesse in his relaxation pose.

Here is me and my beautiful elbow.

Now this is a butt. Danny's that is.
The end.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Funny! And thank goodness that it's NOT a butt. I wasn't mentally prepared for that.
