Saturday, April 12, 2008

The glass of D.P is empty cause I keep drinking it

So I am alive.
Jesse still does not have his start date for work.
The movers will be here to start packing on Monday.
So I am a bit stressed.
The Half empty glass of Dr. Pepper was just sitting there so I gulped it all down.
It helped.
But now I am out of D.P. and crying in an empty glass.

Did I mention that we still have no house.
It seems that when we find a house that would work it goes under contract before we get a chance to look at it.
I have started looking for neigborhoods rather than house to increase our odds.
It's not like anyone is gonna buy up a neighborhood.


Carrie said...

Renee, we've been praying for you guys, and will continue to do so. I can imagine how stressed you must be. Just read Jeremiah 29:11 over and over. And over. And over. And then remember that God is in control.
We love you!!


Gwen said...

Man, looking for a house is bad enough, doing it from afar is even worse. Sorry you are stressed. I hope that things settle themselves out quickly and let you breathe a bit.