Monday, August 11, 2008

I Serious Issues....

with people having affairs.
Especially men.
Especially men in powerful or seeking powerful positions.

What follows is a rant and is not necessarily logical but it is certainly something I have issues with.

I hate that men cheat on the women who have stood by them and helped them obtain their powerful positions. What woman wants to be used then tossed aside for a younger prettier version.

John Edwards...give me a break. How could any man in his right mind do this to his family.

Bill grossly obvious example of a man using his position as a tool to be unfaithful to his spouse.

Just to be fair and prove that I really have issues and am not politically biased...

John McCain...Seeks to be President but has also been in adulterous relationships.

I really don't want Obama to be our next President for many reasons but I really don't think I can bring myself to vote for one of those cheating politicians.

I think I am voting for Huckabee.

You might consider me as throwing away my vote but I want to vote for the man I think would be best not the one who has the best chance of winning.

If a man has proved that his sexual drive can override his better judgement and break his marriage vows, how can I expect him not to be easily swayed against his better judgement not to hold true to the U.S. Constitution and the interests of our Nation.

Like I said my reasoning is probably full of broken logic but I seriously have problems with this.

How powerful can these men be if they are controlled by self fulfillment.

Vote illogically...Vote for any faithful politician you can find.

End rant.

1 comment:

Terry and Patty said...

Its good to see you back. I will vote for huckabee too. Is he a write in