Thursday, November 1, 2007

A Hectic Halloween with NO Pictures....Yet

Hopefully y'all don't just com here for the nudity ( naked baby pics) and gratuitous Butt shots, and other dirty pics (I have 4 kids hence the very dirty house). I would like to believe that it is because of my witty take on the chaos that is my life that keeps you coming back for more.

In-Laws are in town so we are tackling the home improvement demons that abound in the house. No, the kitchen floor is still not done. Some demons are more powerful than others. So what is done you ask... well The main bath room sink is in and the counter tiled, The main bath floor is tiled, the hall is painted, the baseboard is up in the kitchen, the carpet strip thingies are down, new toilet #1 is installed and yes we have a #2, 5.3 more kitchen tiles have been layed, 234789797948 trips to Lowes has been made, and lots of prep for other projects has been going on.

Hopefully we will have all of upstairs done by next week. Except the kitchen floor of coarse :) .

I made costumes for the kids and took them trick or treating amidst all the chaos and have managed to survive. The dining room did not.. it is a dirty pic waiting to be taken.. got to go hide the camera. Kids had a blast and I was pleased with how the girls costumes came out and so were they.

I do plan on posting pics and hopefully they are of of fully clothed individuals and a clean house with completed projects to show off.


Becka said...

hu huh. She said "#2". huh huh

You also forgot to add commas to that massively long number, which makes it very hard to read the actual number of trips you took to Lowes.

Carrie said...

Yikes. Good luck with the house stuff. I won't even get started on that, it's not a topic I like to discuss.

Can't wait to see the pics!! Come on, HURRY UP!!!
