Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Room Evolution

So Jesse was gone for a week and I cleaned out the Library/Junk room.

Devonae promptly claimed it as her room.

Room cost Free.

So red was just not working so we did a bit of changing.

Room cost 20.00

Devonae is such a wonderful help to her mommy so I decide to let her help choose decorations for her new room. After tears about painting walls bright purple, caution yellow , and barbie pink we settled on green. Hey I may be selling this house in 6 months.

So here is what we ended up with for about 120.00

While I was on a room changing spree I painted my Living room. I LOVE the color.


Becka said...

Love it! I abosultely positively love the color in your living room. I need the color so I can use it somewhere in my house.

Oh, and I noticed all the hard work jesse was doing...

Carrie said...

Love love love! You did a great job! I really like that living room color too, and have been debating for the last few weeks whether or not to paint mine that too.
