Wednesday, November 9, 2011

A Child's Logic

On the way home from the store this is the conversation I had with Karist:

(the radio plays a song with a female vocalist)

Karist- "Is she dead?"?

Me- "No"?!?

Karist- "Michael Jackson is dead...Jesus is dead...Granny Fortune is dead"

Me- "No she is not dead, (the singer) and Jesus is not dead anymore either"

Karist- "When you are dead it means you are not home anymore"

That was it.
An odd dialogue that left me puzzled.

So the more I think about it the more I wonder what was going on in that head of hers.
The people she stated were "dead" we all personal to her. (Michael Jackson is one of her favorite singers thanks to her dad) She recently went to Grandma Fortune's funeral, and she has learned on Jesus's death many times at home and church.

Then there is the "not home anymore"
Does she think Marme and Papa are "dead" since they moved to Ecuador? Becka too?
Don't worry I will make sure she is clear on this one. But maybe she is more clear than I think she is, after all when we were celebrating the life of Grandma Fortune we said we would see her again in heaven.

I am pretty sure she doesn't think my parents and sister are dead but perhaps to a five year old the feeling and understanding is the same.

It will feel a bit like heaven when they come back, even if it is just for a short time.

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