Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Spiritual Socks

Sometimes I miss my Sister. Well I actually miss her all the time but sometimes it becomes too much to bear. I never know when these moments will hit. It happened again tonight so what is a girl to do?


Really, Socks.

Becka has a thing for socks. Any socks, all socks, fun socks, pretty socks.
When she left for Ecuador she was as broken hearted as you can get over socks that she could not take them all with her.

She left several pairs of socks with me.

So when these moments come upon me I put on a pair of her socks and I feel close to her.

That got me thinking.

Sometimes in my busy life I drift away from God.
I get moments where I really miss him. Usually I am in some type of mess of my own making.

I need some spiritual socks.

Then I thought about it and realized the Bible talks about clothing. Clothing ourselves in righteousness, The armour of God and I think even Spiritual Socks.

Jesus left us the Holy Spirit because he knew that we needed the comfort he brings us.

I am so blessed to have the sister God gave me and am thankful to her for socks.
I am so blessed to have the Holy Spirit God gave me and am thankful for the comfort he gives.


G-muffin said...

that is so cute :) i'd like some cozy spiritual socks too. actually, God's promises are kind of like that

Millie said...

I'm sorry you lost your sister.Your post touched me deeply.
My mother passed away 15 years ago. I kept her housecoat and put it on now & then. It is very comforting.

Joyful Sparrow said...

The part about wearing your sister's socks made a soft 'aww' escape my lips. I think that's the most heart melting thing I've read in a while. Sending hugs and comfort for your loss.